What information does Velocity Funding require to evaluate a portfolio?

A portfolio’s worth depends on a wide range of factors. The experts at Velocity Funding use time-tested methods combined with cutting-edge technology to deliver fast and accurate merchant services portfolio valuations.
The information we need includes:

  • Residual reports
  • Agent or ISO Agreements
  • Portfolio Questionnaire
  • NDA

Do I have to commit to selling my portfolio for a valuation?

No. Velocity Funding is proud to be a no-pressure team of portfolio analysts. After you receive our free valuation and potential offer, there’s no requirement for you to sell to us. We will be here if, and when, you are ready to sell. 

What are the benefits of selling my merchant services portfolio?

The main benefit of selling your portfolio to Velocity Funding is receiving a lump-sum payment that typically takes years to obtain through residual merchant service streams.  Selling your portfolio’s accounts can drastically Increase your liquidity.

How long does it take to sell my portfolio?

Velocity Funding is the quickest portfolio purchaser in the country because we use our own funds to purchase the merchant portfolios. Velocity usually issues an offer to purchase within 24 hours. A critical part of a portfolio purchase is receiving an assignment from the processor. Some portfolio sales are complete within a week or two, while others can take a month or longer. It depends on how long it takes to receive the assignment from the processor. As we learn about your portfolio, Velocity Funding can provide a more accurate estimate of the time it takes to close your transaction.

Can I sell a portion of my portfolio to Velocity Funding?

Yes, absolutely. We offer the flexibility to accommodate nearly any selling situation, including those wanting to sell a percentage of their respective portfolios.

What types of portfolios will Velocity Funding not accept?

Our company is more than happy to evaluate merchant services portfolios of any size. Velocity Funding prefers to buy non-liability debit and credit card streams that provide at least $2,000 in monthly residuals.

What other information does Velocity Funding review during its due diligence process?

Velocity Funding could require additional information, including an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) signed by all parties to insure confidentiality.  Our trusted professionals also review residual reports  and Agent/ISO Agreements.

How much money is my portfolio worth?

The value of your portfolio is based on several factors and takes time and effort. Thankfully, there’s a fast solution—contact Velocity Funding. Due to our proprietary analytical software, we’ll provide our valuation in only 24 hours 

If I accept Velocity Funding’s offer, what’s the next step?

Some ISO agreements provide certain rights to processors. One such entitlement is a right to first refusal. If this authorization is present, the seller will present our offer to their processor for approval. In most cases, processors have 30 to 60 days to approve this offer. If they exercise their Right of First Refusal, they would purchase the portfolio from the Agent/ISO.

If the processor approves the sale, Velocity Funding will immediately continue our due diligence process. This step also includes preparing and sending you all required closing documents, which may consist of asset purchase agreements, bill of sale documents, and other required papers. The processor must also provide an Assignment of Residuals Agreement during this time.

Once all documents are complete, Velocity Funding will immediately wire you the funds to complete the purchase.

Will you switch processing platforms?

NO! THERE WILL BE NO CONVERSIONS. Velocity Funding ensures your merchants stay with the same processor on the platform. We will never attempt to convert your valued merchants or make processing platform-related changes.

What does Velocity Funding do to remain compliant?

Rest assured that we adhere to all industry regulations and applicable laws. You can always count on Velocity Funding to comply with legal and contractual obligations.

How does Velocity Funding fund transactions so quickly? 

Our source of funds is readily available and does not require prior approval by a lender. Because of that, we can value, decide on, and close portfolio-related transactions quickly.